The best packaging is no packaging!
However beautiful the effects of Corona on the environment (air traffic, tourism, etc.), the situation with packaging is currently difficult. The online market was booming due to lockdown and with it the consumption of shipping packaging. Food is still mainly available for take away and with it the hygiene concepts place higher demands than usual. For a time, even at our ice cream place, the ice cream was only served in a cup with a plastic cover. I am not saying that this is necessary or unnecessary, but it shows how problematic it is to pack and transport all kinds of things that you usually buy local or consume locally, and sometimes, and I have to find that out myself, packaging is already perceived as part of the product itself and not necessarily just as protection.
This means that you don't really think about the purpose of it. Does something have to be packed at all? Do we need a paper bag to take the bread home from the baker? Why can't toothpaste tubes be emptied properly? Why use a plastic bag for the carrots to weigh them? Above all, packaging has to do with habits and, of course, with convenience.
In the meantime, we have established our packaging concept for half a year now and so far haven’t had any negative effects. Since our autumn/winter 2019 collection, our supply chain from manufacturer to end customer has been completely plastic-free. The fears of storage or handling problems have not arisen and we’ve already used all of our cotton ribbons for a variety of tasks: fixing plants, tying things on the saddle, belt replacement, gift packaging, toys, mask ribbons etc.
Every now and then there are campaigns to reduce packaging or, more useful, to generally question packaging. I'm thinking of coffee cup deposit systems or the increasingly popular zero waste shops. There are now also solutions for the mail order business that we looked at. Including Original RePack, a concept from Finland. The striking, yellow mailing bags are made of poly propylene, but the starting material has been recycled and is fully recyclable again. In addition, the bags are embedded in a circulatory system: if you receive a shipment in a repack, you can either use the bag to return it or fold it up and put it in a mailbox. It will then be sent back to the Repack Center free of charge, processed there and put on the market again. A bag has an average of 20 cycles and thus saves a lot of CO2. The material can also be recycled afterwards.
Very soon we will give you the option to have your orders shipped with RePack and take the next step towards reducing packaging. For the use of the system and the packaging we have to charge approx. 3€ per repack. You have to pay the extra costs in addition, but after successfully returning the repack you will receive a discount code of over 10% for your next order. So it’s already worth using, if you order again for just € 30. The voucher is of course supposed to also motivate you to send the mailing bag back, because this is the only way the system can work properly. If you still want to keep the mailing bags for a while, that's ok. They can come back at any time, e.g. with our worn articles if you make use of our rebuy policy.
1 comment
Betr.: RePack Seit Jahren habe ich ein neues Abfallkonzept im Kopf. Z.B.: auch Mehrfachverwendung von Kartons, die statt in der Blauen Tonne an eine Sammelstelle bei der Post, oder in der Nähe von Lebensmitteldiscountern nach Größen geordnet abgegeben und weiter verwendet werden können. Dabei helfen Öffnungen in verschiedenen Maßen bei der Abgabe zur Sortierung. Auch gelbe Säcke könnten an öffentlichen Müllstationen vor dem Einkauf zeitnah entsorgt werden. Wir könnten somit individueller und wesentlich kostengünstiger entsorgen. Viele Wege durch Müllautos einsparen. Die restlichen kleineren Mengen durch Fahrradkuriere abholen lassen.
Was halten Sie von einer Sammelstelle für RePack Taschen, die wie bei den Pfandflaschen Taschen entgegen nimmt und evtl. auch in verschiedenen Größen ausgibt?
Discounternähe ist von Vorteil. Hier sind Ideen gefragt. Das Konzept RePack ist super !!
Heute am Silvesterabend schaue ich voller Hoffnung auf eine saubere, schadstofffreie Zukunft in guter Gesundheit für alle Erdenbewohner. Sie möge Ihnen und uns ALLEN gelingen. So bleibt nur noch ein Wunsch für die Zukunft:
Viel Erfolg im neuen Jahr !
Roswitha Kuhn